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Credit Repair


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You're a person, not a number, right? Unfortunately, more and more companies don't feel that way nowadays. Your credit rating is often the only thing that matters to them. And it's not just about getting loans and credit cards anymore. Decisions about your insurance prices, mortgage rates and even employment are now based on your credit score.

Good thing there's a team of experts on your side to provide the credit help you need. The credit repair specialists at Vitesse Financial can help you restore your credit to a good standing legally, effectively, and in as little as 60 days. We'll work with you to improve your credit rating. Choose our credit repair business. You'll start enjoying good credit again. There's too much at stake to let your credit score keep you down any longer. We'll get you back on track to the good life.

Next time you go shopping for credit, be sure to bring your 'A' rating with you. Good credit will help you become more attractive to lenders, and will ensure that you receive better rates from insurance companies and mortgage brokers. What's more, good credit can save you money every month. This is why credit repair programs have become so popular.

Vitesse Financial is on your side

Our experienced team and proven credit repair process have helped thousands of people restore their credit. Whether you have errors with late payments and closed accounts, or a bankruptcy, we'll handle the negative errors from your past to ensure that they never haunt you again. As one of the most experienced credit repair companies around, we've fixed errors on credit reports that contained almost everything you can imagine, including:

  • Late payments
  • Charge offs
  • Foreclosures
  • Judgments
  • Repossessions
  • Identity theft
  • Closed accounts
  • Bankruptcies
  • Negative settlements
  • Liens
  • Collections


Once you get started with our proven approach to credit rating repair, you can start seeing exciting results in the first 60 to 90 days. And that's just for starters. Most of our clients continue to experience improved credit even six to nine months after initiating our services. The rate of progress of your bad credit repair depends on your cooperation. The more you participate, the faster you can expect results.

Our goal is to quickly repair your credit and provide solutions you can count on for years to come. However, if you're not satisfied with the results of our credit repair services, you can cancel at any time. We're 100% confident that we can help you go from less than perfect credit to an impressive rating that will get you back to living. What have you got to lose except your bad credit?

Enjoy excellent customer service and complete cost-effectiveness.

Fast, effective and friendly those are the qualities that drive everything we do. We always focus on your satisfaction, and we spare no expense to supply the highest levels of customer service throughout your process. We will work with you, one-on-one to achieve the results you need. And to assist you every step of the way, we'll appoint a dedicated case advocate to manage your credit repair project someone who will always be available to answer any question you may have.

What do we charge to get your credit back on track? Our month-to-month service costs just $50 per month, a small fee to pay for the freedom and peace-of-mind you'll experience thanks to improved credit. And remember, your fees are completely refundable if you're not totally satisfied with your results

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A huge thanks to Vitesse Financial for improving my credit rating to a level that has helped me to buy a new car & home at low rates of interest. I'm now told that I have impeccable credit! - Rita, Colorado
Get Started; $50/month >> NO/setup fees
Get Started $50/month  >>  NO/setup fees